I love boobies, probably because I don't have any myself. But seriously I think I check them out just as much if not even more than my boys do. Definitely more than my bf does. While I prefer real breast, I am a sucker for a GOOD boob job. Yes, I will stare. And yes, I will ask if I can touch 'em. I honestly think God gave me these small ass B's 'cuz he knew it would've been on and poppin if they were any bigger. I most likely, would've been one of those drunk girls in Cancun on stage for the wet t-shirt contest. Except I'd actually have rhythm. Oh, and I'd probably win.
Anyway, the blog is appropriately titled THE BOOBS. And it's filled with hot bitches, hot bitches with big titties, and conjoined twins giving head. Peep game. And don't say I aint never did nothin for ya.

you're hilarious.
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how enjoyable your blog is. You do a great job of conveying your thoughts and ideas in an entertaining manner, which makes your blog really special and unique.
You're writing style is also very indicative of your personality and character which both serve as fuel for the creativity expressed through the site.
Thank you very much for the inspiration. Please keep the blog up, you have inspired a fan.
Max Gibson
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