I've been swingin on Vintage Vandalizm's (ever so fashionable) bra straps since forever now but after going through her old posts today and sharing them with Rach, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to finally profess my undying love for her (no homo) lol. Actually, her steez is so dope, I may just yes homo that thought hah.

Anyway, if you've known me for at least 2 years u'll know that I love all sorts of fashion and don't really have a specific "style." I know that's what most fashionistas say in an attempt to sound cool and anti-conformative but I swear,
true story. I love
anything fun, and funky that FITS whether it's considerered couture, urban, contemporary, retro, rockabilly, sporty, etc. etc. etc.

One day my girl Jessica from high school told me her sister thought she saw me at the club but didn't say hi because she wasn't sure if it was me. "That bitch looks different everytime I see her. One day she's in some skanky ass butt hugger dress then the next day she's Gwen Stefani'd out" (Yes, this was in '03 when I had first discovered Russian Red by MAC lol).

My mom is constantly saying shit like, "I look funny in turtlenecks," or, "I can't wear hats." But when ur as gorgeous as her, it's kinda hard to look bad in things. I'm sure half the shit I wear I really can't get away with, it's all a matter of getting used to the look, feeling comfortable in it, and then
owning it. I remember my girl Ness was hesitant about wearing red lipstick even though it's her absolute favorite color. She tried mine out one Halloween and then bought her very own tube!

Vintage Vandalizm mixes her vintage steals with her favorite labels like Karen Miller, Betsey Johnson, Agent Provacateur, and D&G. But what I praise her (and hate her for lol) for is her ability to find amazing pieces at thrift shops AND fit them like a glove. She makes any and everything look gorgeous and is definitely my 40s-60s fashion muse. If u love the above outfits as much as I do, u should definitely check her out:
Vintage Vandalizm.
AMAZZZIIINNGGG. I LOVE HER TOO, absolutly stunning her style body face the works!!!!
yeahhh ive seen her shit before... she's a hotmama n def. got steez ;)
OMG Thank you so much Dollface..this is the sweetest post ever...Thank you so much for being so incredibly supportive. You have officially made my night..no MY WEEK. XOXO V.V
You were not even lying! Her style is DOPE.
My goodness.
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What the???
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