Monday, May 31, 2010
Life is Good

Friday, May 28, 2010
"Haters: Keep your words sweet and tender ... TOMMOROW YOU MIGHT HAVE TO EAT EM"
But what if I want them to choke on that shit? LOL.
Anyway, TGIF yall. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I'd be excited for mine if I wasn't so sleepy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
I'm A Peeeeeeeeeemp
How do you deal with heartbreak? I feel like I’m running in circles…
"Stop running. Get used to the pain and learn to walk with a limp. Once you got it down pat, limp with your head held high, and you’ll look like a pimp, like a person who’s seen some things, and been through some things, but only came out of those things stronger than they were before."~Jozen
And no, I wasn't the one that asked the question. Running in circles ain't my style. I'm one to just lay there and drown lol.
27 on the 27th!

Don't Believe the Hype
"Wingstop is now open in Daly City"
And just like that trumpets sounded, fireworks went off, unicorns came out of hiding, and Jesus momentarily stopped crying (it was sunny in SF despite reports of rain). 'Cuz in my opinion, Wingstop >>> Hooters any day. A 10-piece combo meal consisting of 6 garlic parmesan and 4 lemon pepper wings with a coke, potato salad, and veggie sticks with ranch sauce was JUST what I needed to remind myself of why my abs aren't as crackin as they were a year ago.
So the retweets began. At one point there was 4 in a row in less than a minute. I then proceeded to post it on Facebook, to which I got a dozen responses. One phone call, 2 texts, 5 instant messages, and an email later, I was ready to GO IN. And then, the homie tweeted another message that sent my heart (and stomach) to a screeching hault:
"Sorry, Wingstop is NOT open yet. I repeat, Wingstop is NOT open"
And just like that my world came crashing down. As if it was the first time someone told me Santa Claus wasn't real (He's not right?). At the same time, my homie FB'd me saying that he called Wingstop and the Daly City location wouldn't be open until December. Dee-fucking-Cember?! UGH, see yall at Hooters I guess.
But in between my over-exagerated groans of disappointment over something as silly as chicken wings, I learned a very important lesson: DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. I thought it was funny how quickly the Wingstop rumor spread. Like a mufuckin epidemic and shit. And it ain't my boys fault either, he was just tryna pass the wealth along (and let's be real here, it wasn't THAT big of a deal to start an all out investigation on prior to tweeting). But everyone including myself went along with it and blew that shit up as if we received the news from the mayor of Daly City or president of Wingstop himself.
It's just another reminder as to why you shouldn't believe every single thing you hear. Don't assume, ASK. Otherwise, you'll end up looking like a dumb ass aimlessly wandering around the parking lot of Westlake Shopping Center looking for chicken wings.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
On to the nEXt One
I refuse to be my past or let anybody else define me, but I give credit where credits due. And if it wasn't for some of the men in my past, I wouldn't be a better woman for the next one. More importantly, I wouldn't be a better woman for myself.
'Cuz HE let me know that love is a 2-way street and about give and take. HE made me realize that I do like slow dancing in parking lots and watching meteor showers while laying on the beach. HE let me know that I CAN love again. HE let me know that a relationship without intimacy is just friendship, while HE let me know I can't have intimacy without a relationship. HE taught me to say what I mean, mean what I say, and to be careful of the way I say it. And HE taught me that compromise doesn't mean throwing away your principles - it means being considerate of the other persons feelings. THEY taught me to be unselfish, romantic, and humble.
So when I break you off some to get your transmission fixed because you don't get paid until the 15th, when I pack you home made chicken adobo for lunch and stick a little post-it with a smiley face on your tupperware because I know how long your days are at work, and when I lower my voice, swallow my pride, and tell you I'm sorry because I know I haven't been as appreciative or considerate as I should be - don't thank me. Thank my exes.
Inspired by Man to the Next Man
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Congratulations Gayson!
It seems like only yesterday me and your coconut headed ass were hiding under the sink from Rolley. And now rickys not "adorable lil ricky anymore" and your once irresponsible ass is finally a murse! We don't get emo very often, nor do we see each other as much but I still love you like a bro, and am proud of you like a real sister would be. Congratulations, get buss, then go moi moi and all that good kine stuff lol. Sorry I couldn't make it, but I'll definitely be singing at your wedding :)
Ate Abi

Playing Catch Up
Public Enemy #1
Monday, May 24, 2010
Protect This House
Speaking of sports, I leave for 2 weeks and the Giants lose 5 in a row? Gah, not leaving again 'till the seasons over!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thicker Than Water
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Don't You Know I'm Loca?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rough Draft

Monday, May 17, 2010
Hi Hater
::Editor's Note:: Yesterday was the first day here in PI where I didn't do shit all day except for eat, shit, and sleep. So in between doing that, I managed to finish up 3 old blogs including this one. Hopefully it'll hold yall down 'till I get back!
“Count your joys instead of your woes. Count your friends instead of your foes.”~Irish Proverb
I get asked a lot about “haters,” and one would think that as many as I’ve had and still have, that I’d be immune to it. Afterall, “If you ain’t getting hated on, you ain’t doing shit.” But while that quote rings true, and many embrace and even welcome their haters – I do not. I stand guard with a pistol at my waist and a sign that says, “Enter at your own risk.” So you Kat Williams enthusiasts can surely have some of my haters. If you don’t think my hair is luxurious (when you know it is) just mind your own damn business and keep my name out your mouf.peace. Thnx.
I won’t lie. Sometimes that shit is just hurtful. But it’s not so much hurtful as it is ANNOYING. Only ‘cuz the ones that talk the MOST shit are always the ones that have no fucking idea what’s going on. For instance, I’m over here reading the comments on a story about Cheryl Burke and Ocho Cinco, and you would think these folks actually knew them or something.
“Cheryl Burke is a thirsty ho/stuck up bitch/skank/slut/and every synonym of the word.”
“Ocho Cinco has stds.”
“I don’t know who the bigger attention whore is.”
And while those statements may in fact be true (‘cuz I for one can’t find ANY reason why these 2 gorgeous human beings wouldn’t be boinking each other) I just find it hard to believe that commenter #7 aka “Thin in the waist and pretty in the face” really knows the personal lives of Chad and Cheryl. Get the fuck outta here.
Like I said, haters are annoying but what’s even more annoying is seeing one relish in a response from you. So as cliché as it sounds and as hard as it may be – ignore them. ‘Cuz the more time you spend acknowledging your haters, the less time you spend doing YOU.
And as much as people like to dedicate their accomplishments to their haters, as a public display of their resilience to them, (which is totally understandable) I personally wouldn't suggest it. It’s not that I wouldn't mind slapping a hater upside the head with a big old, "IN YOUR FUCKING FACE ASSHOLE!", it's just that I like to accomplish goals for MYSELF. And I'd like to succeed as a testament to the people in my life who LOVE me, not HATE me.
Remember, as many haters as you have, you have even more people that LOVE you.
P.S. If they really start to get to you and you start to question your self-worth, just think about it. If you're really all the horrible things they say about you, what does that make them if they can't stop talking about you?
It's Just a Little Crush
Monday, May 10, 2010
Game Recognize Game
::Editor's Note:: I've found that the Philippines is actually the perfect place to blog. In the mornings it's too hot to go out and I can't seem to wake up any later than 7am anyway, so I find myself doing a lot of writing. It's given me the perfect opportunity to finish some of my drafted blogs including this one. So it looks like I'll be posting periodically in an attempt to un-bore the masses. I also wanted to say that every blog I write can apply to the opposite sex, it's just that I write from my own perspective (duh). Just wanted to clarify that I don't think only men cheat and women get their heartbroken. We all play our parts. OK, the end.
Game Recognize Game
"...in the Bay mayne."
If there's anything that makes me *smh* more than a female being totally oblivious to getting played, it's when a dude thinks he's running game on a chick ... when in fact the bitch ain't even playing. She's watching on the bleachers with an overpriced beer and garlic fries observing and laughing with the rest of 'em.
In an old Dear Abi post, I talked about how I had relations with this one dude and took a shower at his house one night to find a gang of feminine products in his bathroom. Skintimate shave gel, a pink razor, fruity smelling bodywash, the works. The only thing missing was a nekkid woman in his tub ... which I'm sure was there not too long before I was anyway. If he had a girlfriend, I knew she didn’t live with him, but he definitely had someone more than a friend that was a girl over his house that wasn't me.
So did I storm outta there hair half lathered up with shampoo screaming like a crazy woman? Of course not. I just shook my head, thought to myself "This guy ...," smiled, used some of that fruity smelling bodywash (thnx girl whoever you were lol), and then walked my sexy ass calmly outta the bathroom and said, "Damn, you got more girly toiletries than I do." To which he replied: "Oh, my sister stopped by."
*blank stare*
And that's all it took for me to stop taking the dude seriously. Whenever I see him he still tries to run the same old *walks outside to answer a phone call at 1am and comes back 20 mins later* to go out of his way to say, "That was my boys crazy wife looking for him" when nobody in the room even noticed he left. Boy please.
This ain’t Pandora, but I SEE YOU. We see you. But we won’t be seeing you for long. And we ain’t mad either. We just want you to know that WE KNOW. Don’t worry, your secrets safe with us. Just remember that when we wink at you and then chuckle afterwards, it’s not because we’re flirting – it’s because we’re laughing inside but still think you’re cute and don’t want you so far outta our lives that we can’t check you out anymore.
Just ‘cuz we refuse to play the game, it doesn’t mean we haven’t been studying it while on the sidelines. It's Fantasy Baseball baby, and while only in our fantasies do we imagine us together as a sexy, power-couple, in reality - your plays are way too predictable and you're not even on our roster.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Dear Mama,
(Had to sneak one in for Mother's Day while in the Mother Land)
I remember shopping for a Mother’s Day card last year with my friend at Target. While he and the rest of America scrambled for the sweetest Hallmark greeting, I stayed back and let them wrestle each other feeling a slight tinge of envy. I wanted a mom who took care of me when I was sick, who made me home cooked meals, who gave me money to buy school supplies - you know a mom who acted LIKE A MOM.
My friend ended up with a card that played New Kids on the Block’s “Hangin Tough,” when you opened it, which I found very appropriate for his mom. She was amazing, and when the going got tough – the tough got Frances. Meanwhile, I sorted through card after card after card trying to find the perfect one. It was between, “Mom, Can’t live with you – can’t shoot you,” and, “Mom, Even though you were never there for me growing up, your boyfriends came first, and we got into a fist fight – you’re still my mom so I guess I love you anyway.”
I ended up with the most generic card they had, short and simple – “Happy Mother’s Day.” That’s it. Because in reality, our relationship had been anything but simple.
I could write an epic novel about all the arguments we had but let's just say we got into a fist fight once, and another time I didn't talk to her for a year although we lived in the same apartment. But that was then.
This is now.
I started this post exactly a year ago and it has remained in my drafts box ever since, unfinished. But that was before we started to get along. Back before she would email me pictures of her latest celebrity crush (The most recent one is Jake Pavelco of The Bachelor), and before I would call her on my lunch break just because I was bored. Before I would visit her on the weekends and I finally felt comfortable drinking alcohol in front of her lol. Before she would leave me Facebook messages about how proud she is of me, and before I would tell her to text me when she got home so I knew she made it there safely. And before she was my rock during probably the most difficult time in my entire life.
Needless to say, a lot has changed.
It’s too late to rewind the hands of time and make up for years lost. But it’s never too late to be the person you’ve always wanted to be, to be the mother you never had, or the daughter you always wanted. I think about the relationship my mom and me had when I was growing up, and even though it was dysfunctional, it was better than the relationship we didn’t have. I have friends who barely talk to their moms, or can’t remember the last time they told them, “I love you.” My mom on the other hand tells me she loves me and then follows it up with a peace sign, a head nod, a "Worrrrrd," and a skee skirt from her car as she peels out in front of my house. *SMH*
With all the craziness in the days leading up to my trip to the Philippines I forgot to buy a mother’s day card this year, but if I did, it would most likely have said:
“Happy Mother’s Day … to my very best friend.”
Short and simple - That’s it. Although in case you couldn’t tell, our relationship is anything but simple.
Happy Mother’s Day to all those who inspire me to be a better woman, all those who came before you, and especially to those who have to play the role of both mommy and daddy so that their little girl/boy will never have to do the same.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Can't Keep Running Away
And then there's the ocean. The sun. The breeze. The sand. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live in this city. Sure, it's not a tropical island sunset but it's the best sunset on the West Coast and yes, I'm totally being biased lol. During my last beach run it was too windy to run on the sand. Actually, I ate sand for half a block before finally saying, "Fuck all this shit," and crossed the street. But yesterday? It was perfect.
I can't run as much as I'd like because I'm not really tryna do too much cardio. Not running to lose weight, just to stay in shape. And more importantly, to stay in mental shape and keep my chi in check. You can't keep running away from all the noise and stress. You can only run towards your goals. And one of mine is just a beach run away. Have a surprise for yall :)
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Sweetest Thing
Cake is yummy, is it not? But the thing about cake is - it's fucking bad for you. It sits there on a pedastal getting oogled at looking all handsome and shit next to the bran muffins that nobody wants or even notices. And while your ass shouldn't even be in the damn patisserie 'cuz you already know its bad for you, you're still in there tasting cakes and cookies and drinking frozen hot chocolate. Bitch, don't you know you're supposed to be staying away from all of that? You should know better!
And of course you do. But you just can't help yourself. Even though you know you should be next door at Trader Joe's stocking up on Vita-Coco, apples, and granola or something. But cake just makes it sooo easy for you to like it. Afterall, you should know. You're one mighty fine piece of Red Velvet yourself. So you understand, and you ain't mad. You've gotten rid of worse habits before so getting rid of this one should be ... well a piece of cake.
But damn, why this piece gotta be so damn delicious?