- Purse - Metal trim shoulder bag from F21 $25.80. Perfect for times when u need to get down to business and need to use both hands like airport checkpoints and Black Friday madness.
- Vintage flat top flora accent sunglasses from Bleudame.com $16.80 - my favorite pair at the moment!
- Guess? Wallet - Which I've had for years now so I don't remember how much it cost, and am too lazy to replace it. Filled with more receipts than money FOR SURE and FOR SHAME.
- International Auto Show tickets - 1 for Christian, 1 for Mike, 1 for Cat, and 1 for decoration lol.
- Fafi makeup bag - Totally unnecessary but too cute to NOT get. Inside I have Carmex, MAC lipstick in Mauvellous, and the best lip gloss ever made by C&O Bigelow.
- Johnson & Johnsons baby lotion - 'Cuz we keeps it classy not ashy.
- Hello Kitty compact - Which I use to make sure I ain't got shit in between my teef,or runny eyeliner.
- My G1 phone - I've gone through 4 in 1 year, making this one Sir Lloyd Banks IV. Yes, I name my electronics.
- Keys - To my moms, my car, my moms car, my house, and my ex's house. I should probably give those back.
- Name badge - With my picture that I covered with stolen floss 'cuz I look like an idiot wearing a hat in my work picture.
- Crazy Pill case - From Rach when she visited Kitson in L.A. Inside u'll find the entire drugstore: birth control, Nyquil, Sudafed, Vitamins, Benedryl, and Tylenol.
- Hello Kitty tissue - 'Cuz if ur gonna do sumth'n gross like blow snot outta ur nose u might as well attempt to look cute while doing it.
- Lastly, in true "Hi I'm Abi and I'm a fat-ass" tradition, a bottle of Furikake straight from Hawaii. I carried a bottle last year from Gail but then ran out. So when I got another bottle I made sure to keep it handy 'cuz u just never know when u'll need to sprinkle some on ur food. Furikake makes everything tastes better!
So there u go ladies and gents. Now it's ur turn! Tell me what's inside ur bag. Men, if u have a man purse do the same, I won't judge u ... ok maybe a little bit, but I promise I won't tell anyone. Make sure to leave it as a comment with a picture attached. I love getting to know my readers!
hehehe i did a post on my blog of shit in my bag too..but i deleted cuz i realized other people had cuter shit then me...lol!! you girls are so adorable...love it..wtforkers forever!!
lol ur silly i highly doubt that! the only thing cute about my bag ... is my bag lol. if i had used my other bag u would've seen a shitload of mail and receipts in addition to all this other junk. yah i cheated :( anyway hope to meet u the next time i'm out in l.a. with the fam! rach says ur gorgeous!
awww you sooo sweet...you all are grogeous...im jealzzzz...
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