But today? I'm silent. As the night before Christmas. As the lambs. As Hellen Keller.
Because as I sit here typing, I'm regaining my composurE from being verbally back-handed by a homie. And ouch did that tongue lashing sting. But - it also hurt so good. Because it was another reminder of how much I have yet to learn. About love. About life. About relationships. About myself. About the world in general. Twas quite a humbling experience if I do say so myself. And while a few years ago I would've disagreed, today, I'm glad I don't know it all. 'Cuz if I did, then that would mean there is nothing else beyond what I know now. And if that was the truth, fuck that would suck lol. Not only would it suck, but life would be boring as hell.
They say the loudest one in the room has the most to prove. I'm not loud. I promise. Well, maybe when I'm drunk ... and playing Taboo. But at the same time, closed mouths don't get fed right? And mufucka - I'm HUNGRY. I guess as with everything else in life, you gotta find the right balance. Know when to speak and when to be spoken to and when to just STFU lol. 'Cuz it's better to keep quiet then talk out your ass or put your foot in your mouth later. So I'm just gonna sit here in silence, while I throw an imaginary steak on my bruised ego.
And the next time someone asks me what I want to do for my birthday? I'm just gonna take a BIG CHILL pill and let them handle it. It's probably the most one can do, without doing too much.
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